Partners in Animal Care & Compassion
Success Stories

Max Before

Max After
PACC was recently asked to help with Max, an über handsome ~1.5 year old male Rottie / German Shepherd mix whose owner was struggling to care for him. Just barely able to meet Max's basic needs his owner was hoping for a better life for the dog he clearly loved, but couldn't care for. This handsome, highly social boy was spending his days on an isolated, unsanitary dog run, while his owner worked two jobs attempting to get by in the exorbitantly priced Bay Area.
Healthy nutrition, regular hikes out in nature, and exposure to car rides and PACC's pack did wonders for Max. We likewise partnered with Furry Friends to get Max fixed in record time. Max's video took social media outlets by storm and soon several families reached out willing to offer Max a brighter future. Today he is an integral part of his new family: Mom, Dad, college-aged triplets and Tyler, his new best bud and a former Peninsula Humane Society dog.
Go Max!!!!!
Huge shout outs to: Petaluma Pet Pals, Rocket Dog, Beyond Rescue, Furry Friends, Family Dog Rescue, Rotts of Love and several others who kindly courtesy posted Max on our behalf. It takes a village!

Mia is a 3 year old terrier mix who found herself in the Bakersfield shelter after her owner surrendered her. She was scheduled for euthanasia, as we understand it, for stress induced snapping in the shelter.
She was fortunate to find a foster home with a woman in Bakersfield where she lived for 6 months. Unfortunately she hadn't found a permanent home when her foster mom decided to move out of the area (she couldn't bring Mia with her) and Mia was about to head back to the shelter with a very grim outlook.
When we heard about Mia's situation, we reached out to the local community to see if there was any interest in fostering or adopting Mia in the Bay Area (while Petaluma Pet Pals graciously agreed to take her into their rescue). A wonderful couple responded and worked with Mia to overcome her fear of strangers by using time and patience. They have since adopted Mia, and she now lives near the beach with two other small dogs and a cat. Success stories such as this are not only inspiring, but show how a team effort makes such a difference in creating these happy endings for animals who find themselves in unfortunate situations through no fault of their own.
Sir Pip

PACC received a call from Sir Pip's human who recently had to move and the only place he could find would allow only 1 of his 2 dogs. He was faced with rehoming Pip or risking being evicted. PACC put out feelers and incredibly the perfect person came along in the form of Bev. Bev jumped into action and took over care of Sir Pip who now has not one, but two excellent options for a loving home. Here is what Sir Pip's owner had to say: "Thank you for all of your help and for finding the best person that you could have found. Bev is a real great lady and Mr. Pip has it made being with her". Given how hard it is to get by in the Bay Area, and the difficulty of finding affordable places to live that allow dogs, we were thrilled we could help with rehoming Sir Pip.

Penny Before

Penny After
Penny is PACC's first success story. Penny was seen chained to a trailer in a backyard in Half Moon Bay. When not chained to the trailer, she was kept confined in a shed with no outlet for taking care of business other than in the shed. She had mange, swollen eyes, infected ears, and listless eyes. PACC Board Members offered help to what turned out to be a lovely owner, struggling with poverty. A young, single mom whose husband had recently been killed in gang violence - mom's priority, naturally, was her 7 year old daughter. The trailer that Penny was chained to was their home, for which they paid $1300/mos in rent. Mom worked full-time, had an extra weekend job, and still could not make ends meet. PACC arranged for immediate vet care and daily outings on the coastal trail to begin socializing this beautiful girl. Penny began an 8 month road to becoming the healthy, exuberant, happy dog she is now. PACC was disappointed when after waiting several months to get Penny spayed (she was living with two intact males in the same location and was believed to have already had a litter) PHS ultimately would not spay her due to a purported heart murmur. This despite local vets not being able to confirm said heart murmur. Several months lost and $600 later, Penny was finally spayed!
PACC Board Members later learned how Penny got her name. Her now beautifully glossy coat, is the color of a penny.